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  • Ready For School Projects

    These free woodworking plans include detailed instructions, illustrations, materials and tool lists, and a cutting diagram.

    Ready For School Bench

    Ready For School Stand

    The Chief’s Shop Ready For School Bench can be used in a foyer, mudroom, or garage as a staging area for preparing to leave for school, or heading off to the bus stop. The Chief’s Shop Ready For School Stand can be used alongside it.

    The bench has two options for the lumber needed. One lumber list and cutting diagram are for those who have a table saw and are comfortable ripping 2x lumber. The other is for those who may not have a table saw or are not comfortable ripping 2x lumber. Other than the optional table saw, these plan requires a miter saw, jig saw, drill driver, and Kreg Jig.

    Download these free woodworking plan pdf files by clicking on the images at left.

    (C) Chris Hill/Chief’s Shop 2009-2014
    Visit Chris Hill's profile on Pinterest.